روح الله خمینی، سخنرانی 6 آذر 1363
ٰEnglish Translation:
nThe Prophet [of Islam] came to draw the sword, to make war, and to kill, in order to correct the masses. A prophet that wouldn't make wars and wouldn't kill people is by definition not a prophet, just like the Caliph's job is also cutting hands, stoning, just like the Prophet of Allah [Mohammad] did, like our Imams did. Our Imams were all warriors, they were military leaders, they were warlike, they put on fighting gear and went to war, they killed people, because Mehrab means the place of war [ Mehrab, or Mihrab, is the altar from which an imam leads daily group prayers, but the word's literal meaning in Arabic, as Khomeni explains, is 'the place of war']. From the Mehrabs wars should be initiated, just as most of Islam's war started from Mehrabs.Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, November 27, 1984
daste Khomeini dard nakonad ke be ma shenasand ke Peigambar che jarkashi boode
پاسخحذفاگه یه حرف درست تو زندگیش زده همینه اونایی که فکر می کنند اسلام دین لطف و رحمت و ... باید بدونن که خمینی عمرشو برای شناخت اسلام گذاشته و مسلما این مطالب که گفته درباره اسلام درسته.
پاسخحذفdaste Khomeini dard nakonad ke be ma shenasand ke Peigambar che jarkashi boode
پاسخحذفAre, zaheran migan sedayeh kheili ghavi va khoobi ham dashteh choon ziad jar mikeshideh
اگه یه حرف درست تو زندگیش زده همینه ...
پاسخحذفآیت الله خمینی ولی فقیه و مرجع تقلید شیعیان است و حرفش در باره اسلام خود به خود حکم سند دارد. پس اگر ایشان چنین حرفی زده باشد شک نباید کرد که اسلام همین باید باشد که ایشان فرموده اند.