A recurrent slogan that Iranians have been chanting in their demonstrations since the recent rigged elections (aka the electoral coup) by Ahmadinejad is "liar liar, where is your 63%?" The slogan's reference is to the government's false claim that over 24 million or 63% of voters have actually voted for Ahmadinejad.
This photo captures the slogan in a most concrete way. This is the crowd gathered to listen to Ahmadinejad on his visit to Isfahan two days ago. According to the obviously false figures declared by the 'Ministry of Interior,' over one million people voted for Ahmadinejad in Isfahan alone. If you click and see the larger version of this photo, you can literally count the heads in the crowd, which consists of no more than one to two thousand people.
If you are not particularly keen on counting heads, or are not certain how to 'interpret' this photo, here's some help as a point of reference. Look and compare the above photo with the following one, which was taken during a visit by Khatami, one of the leaders of the Green Movement, in that same spot (Imam Square, Isfahan). This might give you a better sense of what people mean when they chant , "liar, liar, where is your 63%?"
Photo credit: Mehr News
