The official, Javad Larijani, is a well known fundamentalist cleric and one of the five powerful Larijani brothers, who ironically enough holds among other posts a position as the "Head of the Human Rights Council of the Judicial System of the Islamic Republic" (The Judicial System itself is headed by Mr. Larijani's younger brother, Sadeq Larijani).
Mr. Larijani was reported earlier today by Iranian media (e.g. here) to have used the Persian equivalent of the infamous 'N-word' in a meeting he held with journalists at the headquarters of the Islamic Society of Engineers. According to these reports, he said,
"When Obama came to power, he spoke of dialogue and working with Iran, what has happened that today this [N word] is talking of a regime change in Iran?" Larijani then added, "I am not racist, you know, but I feel compelled to say something to this man!"
It is appalling that we have to tolerate these lowlifes as our great nation's representative to the whole world. This is anotherreason why we all hate them so much.
پاسخحذف. در باب زشت گویی جواد لاریجانی نسبت به رییس جمهورامریکا، میتوان گفت که مردمان بر این سخن سعدی آگاهاند که"درشت گویی در باب بزرگان تنها مردم حقیررازیبد. وحرامیان و نامردمان راسخن جز به گزاف نیست . جواد لاریجانی داردروزی۱۰۰۰ بار از عقده مقام ان ۲ برادر میمیردوزنده میشود لذاهر حرفی که میزند برای این است که نشان دهد در چاپلوسی،خیانت به منافع ملت ایران و دریوزگی در درگاه خدای خود خامنه ای کم ازان ۲ نیست.
پاسخحذفHow horrible, truly shameful. There should be an immediate reaction from Iran, especially from educated people, university students and members of academia and elite groups, to this sordid comment from another ignoble Islamic Republic authority. They clearly demonstrated at what level their mind is operating.
پاسخحذفDear Colleague and compatriot, as soon as I read the article in Asre Iran I decided to translate and send it to the Whithouse.gov and CNN ireport, I happened to see your excellent blog and by your permission I used the content but not your name. In case you feel uncomfortable with my course of action please let me know through my email. Hope for Civilian green power in the land of fire
پاسخحذفKind regards
Dr. Alex
زیاد جدیش نگیرین شیرین میزنه
پاسخحذفاول فکر کردم اون برادر های احمش این حرفو زدند
ولی وقتی دیدم کار این بوده ارام شدم
میدونید که دیوانه را محاکمه نمی کنند
Islamic Republic of Iran is noting but insult to humanity. I condemn his comments in this regard and I certainly hope that the world remembers these low lifes whe they apply for political asylum in the near fuure. Down with the Islamic Republic. Dr. Akbar
پاسخحذفMy friend, Dr. Alex
پاسخحذفBy all means, please feel free to use the text with or without my name. If you are going to re-publish it, then I would appreciate a reference to the source, but for such uses as you have mentioned please feel free to take any parts of the text that may be of relevance.
All best
These people are serious liabilities for our nation! We need to get rid of them asap, or watch our country go faster and faster straight to hell
پاسخحذفنه مشکی نه سرخپوست/فقط سبز بشر دوست
پاسخحذفمن بالاترین عضو نیستم این و خودم ساختم اگه ارزش شو داره خوشحال میشم بالاترین بذاریش
hey dude , how are you going?
پاسخحذفi haven't seen you in balatrin for a while, any way that was really awesome to translate this nonsense, asap. lets see what,s going on . even though hope world know Iranian people,never support that sort of speech. dickhead, governors.
One would think that what they did during their attack to US Embassy at 1979, I mean releasing blacks and women employees of the embassy, was a fucking charade.
پاسخحذفGreen عزیز، شعار شما در بالاترین نقل شد -زیر لینک مربوط به همین متن
پاسخحذفپیشنهاد من به طرفداران جنبش سبز برای روز ۲۲ بهمن: تمام سبزها با دردست داشتن یک نسخه قانون اساسی (جلد روی کتاب به طور نمادین) و همچنین پلاکاردهای کوچک و بزرگ با مضمون "ما خواستار اجرای کامل قانون اساسی هستیم" در راهپیمأی شرکت کنند. بدین ترتیب پلیس نمیتواند از راهپیمأیی سبزها جلوگیری کند و آنها را محارب بنامد و از طرفی تعداد بیشماری از سبزها شرکت خواهند کرد. این یعنی اینکه حکومت بعد از ۳۱ سال قانون اساسی را که آزادی اجتماعات، راهپیمأیی ها، احزاب، حقوق زندانیان، مطبوعات، دانشجویان،... را مجاز دانسته اجرا نمیکند
پاسخحذفآیا این صدای پای فاشیسم نیست که در مجاورت خلیج فارس میاید؟
پاسخحذفحرف کاملا درستی زده یه کاکا سیاه بوگندو شده رئیس جمهور آمریکا.برای مردم آمریکا واقعا متاسفم.